Sunday, January 22, 2012

Some Like it Hot

    My taste in guys is unorthodox to say the least.  And, although physical appearances aren’t ridiculously high on the list, there are some features that stick out for me.  Among them are a nice smile…and glasses.
    I have had friends ask me “why glasses?  It makes no sense.  Glasses are an unnatural thing.”  I have found this an odd question with an odd line of reasoning.  You can ask a man why he likes boobs, and he could certainly answer with biological reasons but it would falter at a personal level.  Boobs may be natural (or not) but they are an exterior thing.  They are something, to me, that makes no sense to be attractive.  (Before I continue, I’d like to say that woman and men are equally as shallow. )  Yet, the question began a line of thought that I could not stop.  Glasses?  Why glasses?  How are they possibly sexy?  Here is the conclusion I have reached:

    The general opinion from women on what makes men attractive has changed over time (if you read the link, you’ll see what it is currently), yet for men’s view on women it has stayed somewhat constant.  Why is this?  It returns to our basic instincts.  Men are attracted to woman, whether they realize it or not, who can give them healthy children.  These women are fit, curvy, and have a general healthy look about them (fuller hair, clean skin, etc.)  For women, again whether we realize it or not, we look for someone who can provide for us.  I’m not trying to be sexist here at all.  I imagine in the days of the cavemen it was someone very fit because one needed to hunt in order to survive.  On a tour of Jamestown (I think), I recall a tour guide saying that the attractive men were the ones with a bit of a belly and pale because they had money and could pay others to work for them.  It changed back to bronze and brawny at some point.  We no longer live in a society where the buff man makes all the money.  The jock is thought to peak in high school.  It is the educated man who is going to “most suitable” to bring home a decent salary and, therefore, afford food.  What do educated men do?  They read!  Either with a book or a computer screen, eyes have to be focused on small words for a good portion of the day.  This leads to problems with sight and therefore….wait for it… glasses!

    This could very well be me defending a position that doesn’t need to be defended.  Circular logic is sometimes called for- I like when guys wear glasses because I like when guys wear glasses.  Yet, I’m rather proud of my conclusion, so from now on, if asked I will give the lengthier of the two. 

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